Renee is a writer, artist, educator, and animated filmmaker based in Queensland, Australia.

Renee has been telling stories for as long as she can remember. Whether through the written word, photography, or - more recently - visual art and animation, Renee is interested in the power of storytelling through images. Renee studied screenwriting, photography, and media production at university and has spent the last fifteen years teaching Film, Television, New Media and Media Arts in Queensland high schools. Renee was the recipient of the Helen Yeates Excellence in Media Education award in 2021. Her practice is grounded in drawing and she is currently exploring creating moving-image landscapes and short films using hybrid analogue and digital techniques.

Throughout her career, Renee has presented professional development sessions at multiple state and national conferences for educators. She has delivered artist talks and workshops at various schools, including the Queensland Academy of Creative Industries. Renee continues to teach and lead a team of educators in her role as Head of Arts and Technologies at a Queensland high school.


  • Scenstr:

  • Ipswich Local News:

About Renee